Re: Disastro o cospirazione? Discussione sulla crisi economica in corso

Inviato da  Descartes il 9/10/2008 9:05:07
Pakistan sull'orlo della bancarotta:

Pakistan facing bankruptcy
Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves are so low that the country can only afford one month of imports and faces possible bankruptcy.
By Isambard Wilkinson in Islamabad
Last Updated: 10:28PM BST 06 Oct 2008

Officially, the central bank holds $8.14 billion (£4.65 billion) of foreign currency, but if forward liabilities are included, the real reserves may be only $3 billion - enough to buy about 30 days of imports like oil and food.
Nine months ago, Pakistan had $16 bn in the coffers.[...]

fonte: link

Speriamo non gli venga in mente di sparare qualche atomica giusto per mostrare il suo disappunto...

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