Re: 15 Marzo Z-Day: giornata mondiale di attivismo e proiezione gratuita Zeitgeist Addendum

Inviato da  Orwell84 il 1/6/2009 17:53:12

[...]Phase 3: The building of a new experimental city.
If our project appeals to a sufficient number of people and enough funds are made available, it will be directed toward the building of the first university city. The size and complexity of the city would depend on the funds available.[...]

The free-enterprise system does create incentive to achieve, however it also breeds the incentive for corruption, graft, and greed. Our aim is to encourage a new incentive system, one no longer directed toward the shallow and self-centered goals of wealth, property, and power. Today, financial barriers place enormous limitations on innovation, individual creativity, and personal incentive. In The Venus Project, money would not be required to help one achieve or create, as facilities would be made available to serve everyone's needs.[...]

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