Re: 15 Marzo Z-Day: giornata mondiale di attivismo e proiezione gratuita Zeitgeist Addendum

Inviato da  sick-boy il 2/3/2009 17:43:15
Statistics have shown that human beings are increasingly being replaced by automated machines in the workforce, causing unemployment and hence a reduction in the purchasing power of its citizenry. Over time, as this phenomenon progresses, a tipping point will occur when the lack of consumer purchasing power will destroy the monetary based economy, for it won’t matter how cost effective the production companies are… people will simply not have any money to buy the items with, thus ending the mechanism of ‘cyclical consumption’.

Oppure questa stronzata...dimostralo se riesci! (No non fare la fatica, e` una stronzata...spendi bene il tuo tempo)

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