Re: Il Picco del Petrolio è una Truffa Globalista

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 27/11/2006 18:53:54
La vera mafia non sono quelli che ci avvertono, più o meno catastroficamente, che il petrolio si esaurirà o che prevedono prezzi tali da renderne proibitivo l'impiego come combustibile ma quelli che si adoperano da sempre per nascondere le alternative.

Notizia fresca fresca:

Toyota Hybrid Pioneer Killed

Dave Hermance, the lead engineer of Toyota's hybrid vehicle development in the U.Dave Hermance, the lead engineer of Toyota's hybrid vehicle development in the U.S., died on Saturdaywhen his small plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean near Los Angeles. He was instrumental in bringing the Prius to the U.S., and his passing is a blow to Toyota's hybrid vehicle program.

I met Dave and interviewed him several times. He was engaging, exceptionally bright, and I appreciated his candor. Unlike many of the executives I've spoken to over the years (especially in the auto industry), Dave spoke freely, always sounded happy to talk with me and was willing to take the time needed to answer all of my questions.

Dave believed what he said, and was visionary in his recognition of the importance of hybrid technology in contributing to a better world.

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