Re: Zeitgeist (religione, guerra, economia, controllo globale)

Inviato da  sitchinite il 18/9/2008 12:16:33

mc ha scritto:
E' la "superficialità" di chi si è letto in lingua originale le fonti da cui conosciamo il mito e che è rimasto sbigottito da quello che ha sentito. Le cose dette dal film su Attis non sono vere, punto.

Leggere e capire... non e' la stessa cosa.
Comunque, il punto, caro, era sul parallelo tra i due personaggi.
Z. non parla di Attis e non ne fa un approfondimento ma ne traccia delle similitudini per provare la confutabilita' del costrutto postumo della religione cristiana, basato sul plagio delle precedenti.
Ti ho gia' spiegato in precedenza, citando Wikipedia, che il parallelo e' corretto (posts #45 - 55):


Riguardo ad Attis:

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition | Date: 2008
Attis or Atys , in Phrygian religion, vegetation god. When Nana ate the fruit of the almond tree, which had been generated by the blood of either Agdistis or of Cybele , she conceived Attis. Later, Agdistis or Cybele fell in love with Attis, and so that none other would have him, she caused him to castrate himself. Like Adonis, Attis came to be worshiped as a god of vegetation, responsible for the death and rebirth of plant life. Each year at the beginning of spring his resurrection was celebrated in a festival. In Roman religion he became a powerful celestial deity.

Bibliography: See Sir J. G. Frazer, Adonis, Attis, Osiris (1907, new ed. 1961).


Attis was worshipped as a deity in what is known today as modern Turkey, with his cult later spreading throughout the Roman Empire. Most of the alleged similarities between Attis and Jesus appear to either be manipulated or completely fabricated. After reading this section, I am sure you will agree that the Jesus-Attis allegations are the most absurd of all.

DECEMBER 25TH We've already shown the insignificance of this argument as it relates to Christianity.
Furthermore, there is no mention of this date having any relation to Attis- he is associated with the annual return of spring.

VIRGIN BIRTH According to the legend, Agdistis, a hermaphroditic monster, arises from the earth as a descendant of Zeus. Agdistis gives birth to the Sangarius river which brings forth the nymph, Nana, who either holds an almond to her breast and becomes impregnated by the almond or sits beneath a tree where an almond falls into her lap and impregnates her. Nana later abandons the child who is raised by a goat. We are left to assume Attis was conceived from an almond seed which fell from a tree as a result of Zeus' spilled semen.

CRUCIFIXION This similarity is completely false. Attis castrates himself beneath a pine tree after he is made to go insane before his wedding by Agdistis when the he-she becomes enamoured with him. His blood flows onto the ground from his severed organ and brings forth a patch of violets. Critics try to associate Attis' death beneath a tree with Jesus' death on a "tree." They also try to connect Jesus' blood pouring from his wounds with Attis' blood flow caused by his auto-castration.

RESURRECTION In one version, Agdistis is overcome with remorse for her actions and requests Zeus to preserve the beautiful corpse of Attis so it never decomposes. No resurrection occurs for Attis. In another
account, Agdistis and The Great Mother (or Cybele) carry the pine tree back to a cave where they both mourn the death of Attis. Again, no resurrection. The resurrection story doesn't surface until much later when Attis is transformed into a pine tree.

ATONING FOR SIN Critics claim Attis was slain for the salvation of mankind but there is no evidence of this. We are told Attis was originally a tree spirit representing a god of vegetation. His death and transformation into a pine tree represented plant life which dies in the winter only to bloom again in the spring. The first mention of
Attis in relation to being a savior doesn't appear until 6th century A.D.- way too late to be considered an inspiration to Christianity.

TOMB BURIAL The only reference regarding a tomb burial is when Attis (as a pine tree) is carried to the cave of The Great Mother. But the cave is her home- not a burial tomb.

FATHER-SON UNITY Again, no such relationship exists. The only far-fetched connection we can make is the belief Attis was the grandson of Zeus. We can conclude from what we already know about Attis that this is a stretch. Never was it believed that Zeus and Attis were believed to be one and the same, nevertheless on an equal level.

EUCHARIST Critics claim the followers of Attis celebrated the god with a wine-bread communion. The only mention of such an activity is when they would eat a sanctified meal out of sacred tambourines and cymbals, though it is never mentioned what they eat. Critics speculate it was bread and wine but this is unlikely considering wine was restricted during the Attis festivals.

CONCLUSION The only things we really see going on with poor Attis is a whole lot of genitalia-mutilation, pine tree resurrections, and river descendants bearing children from nuts... Nuts certainly comes to mind regarding whoever put these two figures together.

Un' altra cosa: Wikipedia é un contenitore di articoli scritti da chiunque. Non necessariamente ciò che c' é scritto é giusto. Lo prova il fatto che le modifiche son continue...
Purtroppo ci son personaggi che scrivoo e che son molto accreditati, al quale viene permesso di scrivere senza mettere il classico bollino della 'opinione personale' o del 'la fonte non è certa'.

La cosa che piùmi meraviglia é che evidentemente la Murdock non ha nemmeno letto i miti originali di questi personaggi divini. Nel caso di Mithra e di Attis sembra aver letto solo i miti rielaborati in epoca romana, non quelli che hanno dato nascita alla figura.
Se di un dio esistono vari miti che si sono succeduti in ordine di tempo, il più 'esatto' non é mai l' ultimo... é il primo.

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