Re: Con la scusa dell’ Ambientalismo. Progetti di sterminio.

Inviato da  PikeBishop il 14/3/2007 19:16:21
- Since humans produce carbon dioxide by breathing, surely the sensible thing to do would be to tax the air we breathe? There's actually a discussion of it. The New York Times ran an editorial last week calling on the government to impose a carbon tax on humans for the air we breathe!

Taxing the air we breathe! Can we now not agree that hysterical control freaks have seized the reigns of the global warming debate?

The idea of taxing the air we breathe has for decades been a satirical allegory of government control but now it's becoming a reality, because global warming is the new justification to do anything!... global warming is our justification to do anything and we are going to do it whether you like it or not!

In Italia sono stati dei precursori, con la tassa sulla pioggia.

Se non paghi la tassa sull'aria, ti soffocheranno????

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