Vatican Assassins PDF

Inviato da  hornet il 20/10/2006 10:49:50
VATICAN ASSASSINS Book was based upon these 13 books! The "Black Pope" was the major resource on which Vatican Assassins was based and is one of the hottest, most controversial books of the late 1800's. This book was so hot, son very controversial, that the Vatican forced its withdrawal shortly after it was published. This book reveals the hidden hand in the Vatican, that of the top Jesuit leader, always secretly referred to as the "Black Pope".

This sought-after Vatican Assassins book has completely sold out worldwide, we however have the whole book in PDF format so you can still read it.

Vatican Assassins

General Lafayette, in 1799 wrote: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country" the United States of America "are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuits Priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe".

The Jesuits were founded on Black Magick, as was the Masters of the Illuminati. The Vatican -- with the Jesuit Black Pope in the background -- opposed the Illuminati until Pope Paul VI, who ascended the Papacy on June 21, 1963. Immediately, this Pope displayed the Satanic Twisted Cross Crucifix, a Black Magick Symbol of Antichrist!

Instantly, occultists the world over realized that a grand merger of forces had just occurred, between the Black Magick Illuminists on the one hand, and the Vatican on the other hand. At this moment, Black Magick ruled both the Illuminati and the Vatican. World events have flowed since then, as the result of this grand merger.

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