Re: New World Order Timeline

Inviato da  mavri il 1/11/2006 12:29:55
A proposito di nwo e ordine nuovo e di come concretamente agiscano queste forze c'e' l'esempio storicamente a
noi vicino della strategia della tensione durante gli anni '70.
Posto di seguito un lavoro che mi sembri sintetizzi abbastanza bene gli avvenimenti;finito di leggerlo andate a vedere
in home page chi scrive sull'islam,la radio pubblicizzata,ect.
Cosi' come questi circoli atlantico\massonici crearono finanziarono nazismo,fascismo e comunismo e come si apprestano
secondo il punto2 dello schema PIke a far scontrare annullandosi vicendevolmente sionisti(israele e lobbyebraica) e
arabi(attraverso la branca mussulmana della massoneria cioe' i fratelli mussulmani);
cosi' le stesse forze responsabili dell'11 settembre controllano anche molti siti del 9\11 truth movement come questo.
E' molto importante che i giovani(redattori in gamba compresi) che frequentano il sito si rendano conto di queste cose
perche' questo gli dara' chiavi di lettura per decifrare comportamenti altrimenti incomprensibili.
La verita' e quasi sempre dolorosa e a volte rende persino liberi.

Strategy of Tension: The Case of Italy
by Claudio Celani

The day of the Madrid bombings, March 11, Lyndon LaRouche issued a statement discarding the idea that the terrorist attacks had been carried out either by the Basque terrorist group ETA or by "Islamic terrorism," and commented that the modality of the Madrid atrocity reminded him of the 1980 Bologna train station bombing and, in general, of the terrorist "strategy of tension" in Italy in the early seventies. In the following days, several experts interviewed by EIR, as well as some newspaper commentators, independently pointed to the same analogy.

The name "strategy of tension" indicates the period roughly from 1969 to 1974, when Italy was hit by a series of terrorist bombings, some of which caused large numbers of civilian deaths. The authors were right-wing extremists maneuvered by intelligence and military structures aiming at provoking a coup d'état, or an authoritarian shift, by inducing the population to believe that the bombs were part of a communist insurgency. The beginning of the strategy of tension is officially marked by the Dec. 12, 1969 bomb that exploded inside the Banca Nazionale dell' Agricoltura in Milan's Piazza Fontana, known as "the Piazza Fontana massacre," in which 16 people were killed and 58 wounded. The end of the strategy of tension, strictly considered, is marked by the bomb on the "Italicus" train (Aug. 4, 1974) in San Benedetto Val di Sambro, which killed 12 and wounded 105. During that period, there were at least four known coup d'état attempts, threats, or plots—one per year!

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