Re: Tutto sulla Massoneria

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 26/10/2006 12:24:23
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Il primo risultato:

Former High Level Italian Illuminati Comes Clean

Di Greg Szymanski

Very rarely does a high-level Illuminati 33 degree Freemason come forward with inside information, damaging to the Vatican-controlled and Jesuit-led New World Order.

But Leo Zagami, a Sicilian aristocrat and former high-member of the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge, is doing just that, coming forward for the simple reason he could no longer work under the forces of evil who are killing millions around the world.

The following message from Zagami, who just left the clutches of the evil Illuminati in June, is printed to show just how high-up in the Illuminati pecking order his black star had risen.

It is also printed to protect Zagami's life as he was already arrested, beaten and tortured twice since going public with a web site geared at enlightening America to the threat the Vatican-led Illuminati poses to the American people.

In fact, Zagami's information comes from the top of the Illuminati secret files and correspondence since he was even considered in his home country of Italy to be the P2 Masonic successor to the powerful Licio Gelli, who was being slowly moved out of Illuminati active duty because of his age.

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