Re: Temperature all'interno delle torri e comportamento dell'acciaio in generale

Inviato da  Sertes il 16/3/2014 19:24:05

BruceLee ha scritto:
Quello che continui a ignorare č che il NIST non ha obiettivi propri, gli obiettivi che ha ce li ha SOLO perché glieli ha dati il congresso! Quelli sono, e quelli rimangono!!!

Questions and Answers about the Overall NIST WTC Investigation

1. What were the goals of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) investigation of the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster?

The goals were to investigate the building construction, the materials used, and the technical conditions that contributed to the outcome of the WTC disaster on Sept. 11, 2001. The investigation served as the basis for:
•improvements in the way buildings are designed, constructed, maintained, and used;
•improved tools and guidance for industry and safety officials;
•recommendations for revising existing building and fire codes, standards, and practices; and
•improved public safety.

2. What were the main objectives of the investigation?

The specific objectives of the NIST WTC investigation were to:
determine why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed following the initial impacts of the aircraft, and why and how WTC 7 collapsed;
•determine why the injuries and fatalities were so high or low depending on location, including all technical aspects of fire protection, occupant behavior, evacuation, and emergency response;
•determine what procedures and practices were used in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC 7; and
•identify, as specifically as possible, areas in current building and fire codes, standards, and practices that warrant revision.

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