Re: metallo fuso ...altra prova da 16 tons?

Inviato da  Tifoso il 14/7/2006 12:26:46
Io non invento mai i dati e non faccio mai tornare i conti. Altrimenti nion avrei detto nulla sul muretto del Pentagono.

Questo č il sito complottista che analizza le colonne: e lo hai postato proprio tu.
erano cave. Si parla anche di thickness.
Like the perimeter columns -- and like steel columns in all tall buildings -- the thickness of the steel in the core columns tapered from bottom to top. Near the bottoms of the towers the steel was four inches thick, whereas near the tops it may have been as little as 1/4th inch thick. The top figure in the illustration to the right is a cross-section of one of the smaller core columns from about half-way up a tower, where the steel was about two inches thick. The bottom figure shows the base of one of the larger core columns, where the steel was five inches thick. The bases of the columns also had slabs of steel running through their centers, making them almost solid.

Per il resto hai stancato con questo atteggiamento aggressivo. Non si puņ discutere in modo tranquillo con te.

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