Re: metallo fuso ...altra prova da 16 tons?

Inviato da  shm il 5/4/2009 20:27:59
It is possible and likely, however, that even if grain boundary melting did not occur, substantial penetration by a solid state diffusion mechanism would have occurred as evidenced by the high concentration of sulfides in the grain interiors near the oxide layer.

(Appendix C, FEMA)

Tra l'altro si trovano grafici molti simili a quelli visti nell'analisi effettuata sui 4 campioni.

...allora, concludeva cosė:

The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified. The rate of corrosion is also unknown. It is possible that this is the result of long-term heating in the ground following the collapse of the buildings. It is also possible that the phenomenon started prior to collapse and accelerated the weakening of the steel structure. A detailed study into the mechanisms of this phenomenon is needed to determine what risk, if any, is presented to existing steel structures exposed to severe and long-burning fires.

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