Re: Cosa dovrebbe essere successo al posto del crollo totale? (traduzione)

Inviato da  shm il 23/6/2008 12:00:39
...l'avevi letto Harvey, il topic con cui hai fatto copiaincolla?!!!

dopo i commentini idioti dei "debunker" oltreoceano, Heiwa scrive:

"I note that my article at has been studied with interest by commentators above. The article is of course intended for children so it is clear why most of you have missed the points."

Noto che il mio articolo è stato studiato con interesse dai commentatori sopra. L'articolo è certamente scritto per ragazzi così che sia chiaro perchè la meaggior parte di voi si è persa il senso.

Anyway - NIST suggests in its report that the potential energy of the mass above the initiation zone was released (columns buckled there at abt floor 94) and because it exceeded the strain energy of the structure (below I assume), global collapse ensued.

Looking at WTC1 it seems that the first item to drop down is the mast on the roof. As there was no mass above the mast and no potential energy released there, logically it seems that the roof fell in or the mast dropped through the roof. No big deal - if the mast then fell through a lift shaft, it would just drop down to the bottom of the shaft. Or if it hit a floor below, it would just punch a hole in it.

Abt 2/10 of a second after the mast dropped there seems to be an explosion at floor level 94 apparently caused by the mass above dropping down a little.

NIST suggests it is like a hammer (mass above) hitting a nail (structure below). Very good! Say there are five nails - four wall 'nails' and one core 'nail'. I can only see one wall 'nail' and what impresses me is, that, when the hammer falls due to gravity on the nail (I cannot see any hammer, but anyway), the nail is broken - not in one place but in two (!) places - and that the nail piece in between is thrown outwards at high speed. This happens 2/10 seconds after the mast started to drop.

This is quite magical and I have never been able to recreate such a feat - hit a nail with a hammer and the nail breaks at two (!) locations and the piece in between flies out sideways.

Anyway, it seems NIST has abandoned the hammer/nail theory in their FAQ update December 2007. Now instead it is 11 or 6 complete floors above floor 94 that suddeanly drops down on floor 94 and overloads it so that it drops down on floor 93 that drops down on floor 92 .... that drops down on floor 50 ... that drops down on floor 1 and then hits the ground. Very good! It is not clear why 6 or 11 floors suddenly dropped down but it is clear that the roof didn't fall down, so why did the mast fall?

Don't worry, don't panick, do not wet your trousers, the answer will be provided in due course. Just calm down. Everything will be OK.

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