Re: La caduta delle Torri Gemelle vìola le leggi della fisica secondo il NIST

Inviato da  sick-boy il 12/12/2007 14:59:32
Penso si riferisca a questi due passaggi:

-While NIST did not find evidence that any of the recovered core columns experienced temperatures in excess of 250°C, it is not possible to extrapolate from a such small sample size [nel capoverso precedente dice che le colonne del core recuperate sono solo l'1%] to state that none of the core columns on the fire affected floors reached temperatures in excess of 250°C. "Inoltre i risultati dei test sono consistenti con gli altri dati osservabili per le torri....
e su queste basi la vostra richiesta che il NIS riveda l'NCSTAR 1-6 per rendere i parametri di simulazione col computer consistenti con quelli usati nel fire resistant rating test of the floor assembly è rigettata"

-In the case of WTC Towers, NIST has established that the failures initiated in the floors affected by the aircraft impact damage and the ensuing fires resulted in the collapses of the towers. This conclusion is supported by a large body of visual evidence collected by NIST. Your letter suggests that NIST should have used computer models to analyze the collapse of the tower. NIST carried its analysis to the point where the building reached global instability. At this point, because of magnitude of the deflections and the number of failures occuring, the computer models are not able to a converge to a solution.
it was most critical to NIST explain while the collapse initiated

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