Re: Foto della torre sud poco prima del collasso

Inviato da  gandalf il 15/12/2006 6:26:38
Pian Piano le foto, i filmati incominciano a uscire.....

Queste foto (Ashoka qual'è la fonte??) sono un altro importante tassello che si unisce a questo filmato che postai un po' di tempo fa:

e a questa intervista a un controllore di volo dell'aereoporto di Boston in cui

Questo l'articolo

questa l'intervista registrata da Pilots for the truth

in cui tra l'altro dice:

""On September 11th I'm one of the few people who really within quite a few hours of the whole event taking place just simply knew that it was an inside job, and it wasn't because of the visuals, the collapses, whatever....I knew that it was an inside job I think within about four or five o'clock that afternoon and the reason that I knew is because when those aircraft did collide and then we got the news and information on where the aircraft were and where they went....if they knew where the aircraft were and were talking to them at a certain time then normal protocol is to get fighter jet aircraft up assist..."

Tutto materiale per la nuova sessione 911!!!!

Pian piano la nebbia si dirada........

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