Re: Instabilità carico di punta

Inviato da  Ashoka il 3/10/2006 20:49:54
Questa la fonte dei dati che ho usato

Report della FEMA, Capitolo 2

The WTC towers, also known as WTC 1 and WTC 2, were the primary components of the seven building World Trade Center complex. Each of the towers encompassed 110 stories above the Plaza level and seven levels below. WTC 1 (the north tower) had a roof height of 1,368 feet, briefly earning it the title of the world's tallest building.
Construction of WTC 1 resulted in the storage of more than 4 x 10^11 joules of potential energy over the 1,368-foot height of the structure. Of this, approximately 8 x 10^9 joules of potential energy were stored in the upper part of the structure, above the impact floors, relative to the lowest point of impact. Once collapse initiated, much of this potential energy was rapidly converted into kinetic energy. As the large mass of the collapsing floors above accelerated and impacted on the floors below, it caused an immediate progressive series of floor failures, punching each in turn onto the floor below, accelerating as the sequence progressed.

Tutta l'indagine riguardo al WTC è così... dati incerti.. stime...con l'acciaio è andata pure peggio .-)
Tante posate made in India e China

Io trovo scandaloso anche solo il fatto che non si sappia dare una stima univoca della massa di due edifici il cui crollo ha ucciso 2700 persone. Presumo cmq che i dati della FEMA siano più affidabili della stima di Bazant..

Come si dice da noi
..mi su nen que dite (ma il piemontese scritto non è il mio forte.. )..


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