Re: L'mplosione delle wtc sono dall'alto verso il basso

Inviato da  javaseth il 12/1/2007 10:26:50
Un nuovo articolo di Christopher Bollyn sugli attacchi alle Torri del 9-11.

Chi e cosa c'era esattamente nei piani colpiti dagli aerei?

9/11 Planes Flew Directly into Secure Computer Rooms in Both Towers


The two airplanes that struck the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11 flew directly into secure computer rooms in both buildings. Is that simply a coincidence or were the computer rooms equipped to play a role in the crime?

Were there homing devices, for example, in these rooms that guided the planes to their targets? Were there pre-placed explosives or Thermite on these floors to destroy the evidence and assist with the collapses?

Let's look at the evidence.



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