Re: Avatar - un film scomodo?

Inviato da  schottolo il 24/1/2010 13:14:12
Il film è piaciuto molto anche ad Icke, riporto un frammento dalla Newsletter:

Hello all ...

I don't go to see films very much, but I have been to watch the much-hyped James Cameron movie, Avatar, and I am glad I did.

I thought it was excellent and the animation and special effects were cutting edge, but what interested me most is that it basically tells the story of what has happened on Earth - albeit back to front.

The plot, which takes place in the year 2154, involves a people with blue skin and lion-type noses who are native to Pandora, 'a moon of the gas giant, Polyphemus, which orbits Alpha Centauri A'. They live in total harmony with their environment and they know that everything is connected and part of a unified Consciousness.

The trees and plant life of Pandora have formed electrochemical connections between the roots which act as neurons to form a sentient planet-wide 'brain', or Consciousness. The blue people, called the 'Na'vi', have their own 'root connectors' which allow them to 'plug in', through plants and trees, to this network of 'Oneness'.

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