Re: Scie chimiche e controllo del mondo

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 12/4/2006 15:35:47
non e' che c'e' un'anima pia che si prende lo sbattimento di cercare che diavolo di aereo e' quello fotografato da LaoTsu con una evidente panciatura o allargamente al centro della carlinga vicino all'attaccatura delle ali?( aereo sicuramente non commerciale)

cct, dovrebbe essere questo:

Qui le informazioni

The only choices in heavy tankers will be the KC-25/747 and the KDC-10/KMD-11. Of these candidates, the 747 is the type which which is more economical to support in Australia, and in addition offers superlative airlift capability. The USAF evaluated the 747 in the ATCA program during the late seventies, but selected the smaller KC-10A instead. Against the KDC-10 and A340, the 747 offers better offload performance and is faster. Depicted are the 747-300SF freighter conversion (top), a new build 747-400F (middle) and the 747-400X auxiliary fuel tank design (lower) which would be adapted for a tanker conversion (Boeing).

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