Re: Scie chimiche e controllo del mondo 2

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 17/6/2006 15:25:18
noi siamo persone serie , non ci abbassaimo a certi livelli

Vabbè, ma un girino in pullman glielo possiamo offrire, no?

Passiamo ad altro. Ancora una morte sospetta:

Aerospace writer's mystery death

From the 101, it was a quick drive to his home in nearby Westlake. But within minutes of leaving the restaurant, his car plunged over a cliff and crashed 500 feet below -- off the winding Piuma Road, which means Dornheim's car was going in exactly the wrong direction, into Carbon Canyon toward Malibu Beach -- than the route he'd announced to his friends moments earlier. [...]

"He navigated the turns just fine, and then, in a straightaway, for whatever reason, he went off the cliff," Tang told the Los Angeles Times.

"Not a rock was disturbed. Not even the brush was disturbed." [...]

Michael Dornheim, 51, was the acclaimed West Coast editor of Aviation Week, the industry's bible.

His last cover story for the aerospace journal was a June 5 article on the Pentagon's "lunatic fringe" technology unit, DARPA, and its new Orbital Express space mission. The roving robotic spacecraft will reportedly repair and refuel Defense Department satellites while in orbit. [...]

"Dornheim, who served as the magazine's senior engineering editor, was renowned for the depth of technical understanding his articles displayed on aeronautics, propulsion, avionics, systems engineering and safety," Aviation Week & Space Technology reported in Dornheim's obituary. "In addition to his work for the magazine, he often was called on to explain developments in aviation and space on television."

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