Re: Scie chimiche e controllo del mondo 2

Inviato da  cct il 21/5/2006 14:35:06
Chi mi traduce il seguente post di un meteorologo Americano?

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Hello. I am the developer of the contrail/chemtrail, what ever you believe experiment. I am doing this for 2 weeks. I need people to report to my email address every day at the time listed in the project, which will be 11am Pacific, 12pm Mountain, 1pm Central, and 2pm Eastern. This is a serious experiment.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please no reports from the days before, just days ahead. I will reveal the experiment reasonings and put everyone in place once and for all on chemtrails and contrails. The test started on May17th, and will go till the 31st, and results will finally be posted on June 1st. What we find may amaze you. We cannot tell you what these maps area, and how we are doing it yet. These maps are either, A) We are the government and we are testing maps to give people heads up on the possility of chemtrails, B) non-believers that will prove they dont exist, or C) Pilots that fly these planes and know the next routes. We will tell you on the 1st which one was right. It will amaze you. Spread the word, you don't have much longer.

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