Re: TB e HHG

Inviato da  Demolitore il 19/4/2006 9:41:17
Hm, ho googlato un po' e pare che sia meglio evitare di piantare cloudbusters in giro:

(dal link di sopra se sembra troppa roba da leggere =b)
cosa puņ succedere all'ambiente..:

7) A young fellow in Canada built and erected a large cloudbuster. He later left town, leaving the apparatus operating, haphazardly pointing to the sky. Several months went by without rains. The cloudbuster was later discovered by accident, by other persons who knew about the dangers and dismantled it. Rains resumed shortly thereafter.

8) A man in California built a cloudbuster and went about making demonstrations, claiming the powers of god.

9) Another man in California undertook operations with a modified cloudbuster, which he called a "chemical ether generator", to bring rains during the dry season. He rejected Reich's theory on the orgone energy, and the role of atmospheric stagnation and dor in blocking rains. Through improper operational techniques, he built up a large orgone-energy potential in an area characterized by stagnant, desert conditions. This predictably triggered a strong electrical storm, and six people were struck by lightning. Nonetheless, he was still very pleased with the results of the operation. He did the same thing a few years later, bringing a major coastal storm to Southern California, which did a lot of damage and killed a few people. This same man earlier wrote a book largely focused upon the cloudbuster, in which he claimed that all the problems of the world were the doings of "evil beings" in other dimensions, and alluded to the use of LSD.

10) A young man in Ireland built a cloudbuster and operated it while in a "trance state". Major devastating coastal storm occurred; boats were sunk and people were killed. The man later circulated a "newsletter", in which he bragged about his role in it all, and urged people to build cloudbusters and point them at nuclear power plants.

11) A skeptical classical scientist, reading only one or two articles, constructed a cloudbuster in his backyard. He aimed the unit at the sky and left town for a week. Persisting, heavy rains developed thereafter, bringing a flood, for which he denied responsibility. He later "souped up" the cloudbuster by adding high frequency electricity to it, but still failed to note any instant miracles. He finally lost interest, proclaiming the cloudbuster to be ineffective.

12) A mystic who communicated with spirits erected a cloudbuster and claimed great benefit to his local area. Climate charts subsequently indicated the onset of drought conditions in his area. He later published an article in which Reich's theory was abandoned in favor of Steiner's "four ethers".

13) A man in the northeast USA concocted various schemes to make money or attract national attention through cloudbusting. Responsible workers refused to have anything to do with him. He became very impatient and angry, and burglarized two orgone research facilities, stealing documents and other items. After being caught and sentenced to jail, he reported several orgone therapists to the Food and Drug Administration, saying they used the orgone accumulator on their patients. FDA officials began visiting and harassing various orgone therapists in the Northeast. Later, he secretly helped a long-time enemy of Reich to write a horrible magazine article, which branded Reich a lunatic.

14) Another man meditated while using some kind of "cloudbuster", dutifully reporting his "feelings" and observations to government officials, who dismissed him and everyone else working with the cloudbuster as a crackpot.

15) Another mystic in the southeastern USA, skeptical about the cloudbuster, built one and generated a huge thunderstorm with a funnel cloud. In a panic, he destroyed the instrument. After his death, his wife began selling ineffective "cloudbusters" to desperate farmers, for thousands of dollars.

16) A man wrote a book with a chapter devoted to Reich and cloudbusting. In it, he claimed Reich was wrong about the orgone, that the cloudbuster really was a "particle sink", that it taps a "chemical ether", and works on the basis of one's "consciousness". His book stimulated a lot of people to go out and build cloudbusters, without any attempt to study the question seriously. His book also claimed, without any credible evidence or proof, that you could run a car off of orgone energy by attaching an orgone accumulator to the air intake of the carbeurator. Dozens of people tried this and, predictably, when it did not work, they began to question "Reich's work".

17) A farmer in Maryland, during a major drought affecting the entire Northeast USA, writes to me: "I am part of a group which has built 60 cloudbusters in the region. I have build four cloudbusters on my land, and I've left them running for several months, but so far the rain has not come. Can you please inform me what I might be doing wrong?" When informed to take them down, as he is overcharging the atmosphere and making the drought worse, his only reply is silence.

e cosa puņ succedere alle persone..


1) Several of Reich's assistants were immobilized and greatly sickened by the field effects surrounding his laboratory during the oranur experiment. Later on, similar reactions occurred in the surroundings of operating cloudbusters, particularly during desert and drought operations.

2) A man using a cloudbuster in a California desert touched the pipes with his bare hands. He was paralyzed on one side of his body, and never completely recovered.

3) A cloudbuster operator developed a walnut-sized tumor one day after handling a cloudbuster during a drought. The tumor was eventually eliminated through orgonomic first-aid, involving therapy, use of the accumulator, dor-buster, and detoxification techniques.

4) A medical doctor in Germany used a medical dor-buster on his patients for many years. The apparatus resembles a minature cloudbuster, and functions similarly. He developed a paralysis in the arm he used to work the apparatus, which later spread to his shoulder and the side of his face, after which he died.

5) A man who used a manually operated cloudbuster for many years in droughty situations became quite ill, in spite of many precautions. He eventually developed scleroderma and cancer, which killed him.

6) Other cloudbuster operators have been made very ill from standing too close to the instrument. The biological effects of overcharge, and of what Reich called dor-sickness, have included high fever, muscle cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Severe skin rashes, hives, and "flu" symptoms have also been observed. Reich noted, the effects of the toxic field around the cloudbuster tends to hit a person at their weakest spot, causing old health problems to flare-up.

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