Re: I testimoni dellArlington National Cemetery e la rotta nord

Inviato da  rivers il 10/7/2008 1:52:47

Stria ha scritto:
Scusa rivers,

ma nelle testimonianze spiegano grosso modo in che posizione è messo l'aereo quando virava?
Testimone #419:

<Quando l'ho visto stava attraversando il parcheggio e stava come girando e planando>

Cerca in questo caso il testimone di far capire o almeno rende l'idea della posizione dell'aereo durante questa manovra?
Oppure ci sono altri testimoni che spiegano in dettaglio questo fatto?


Il percorso dell'areo è descritto in maniera frammentaria da decine e decine di testimoni. Quelli che lo descrivono nella sua interezza ed in maniera chiara sono quelli che vedrai in video nel docu di prossima uscita del CIT.

La stessa cosa comunque, la puoi leggere nelle solite testimonianze che girano da 7 anni. Approccio lento sulla Annex in direzione ANC, stallo e planata con rollio a destra e sinistra, virata verso il punto di fireball e accelerazione totale sui motori.

Ecco alcuni testimoni di questa differenza di velocità. Se vuoi leggere chi ha descritto la manovra di bank o di virata devi tornare indietro di qualche post.


Mike Walter - “I was surprised at how graceful and slow the banking of the jet appeared to be, and how quickly it accelerated after it had lined up the Pentagon.”

Sean Boger - “When he looked, he said the plane was flying towards the Pentagon, straight, very low and very fast. And then suddenly turned. It made a quick turn and then went straight into the Pentagon. So what he saw was the belly of the aircraft with the wings and everything. And he said that the sound was tremendous. He said, the guy accelerated the aircraft before he hit. He said, I could hear the engines when he made this. It was a tremendous noise.”

Major Lincoln Leibner - “It was accelerating”.

David Marra - “It sounded like the pilot had the throttle completely floored”.

William Middleton Sr. - The jet accelerated in the final few hundred yards before it tore into the building.

Terry Morin - “Engines were at a steady high-pitched whine, indicating to me that the throttles were steady and full. I estimated the aircraft speed at between 350 and 400 knots”.

James Ryan - “At that point the plane was slow, so that happened concurrently with the engines going down. And then straighten up in sort of suddenly and hit full gas. It was just so loud”.

Tim Timmerman - “It added power on its way in”; “as is went by the Sheraton Hotel, the pilot added power to the engines. I heard it pull up a little bit more, and then I lost it behind a building”.

Elaine McCusker - “I saw a very low-flying American Airlines plane that seemed to be accelerating”.

Wanda Ramey - “I saw the wing of the plane clip the light post, and it made the plane slant. Then the engine revved up and crashed into the west side of the building”.

Col. Bruce Elliott - “It was banking and garnering speed”.

Robert A. Leonard - “then went full throttle directly toward the building”.

D. S. Khavkin - “The engine was at full throttle”.

Ralph Banton - “It sounded like it was jetting instead of slowing down”.

Sean Boger - He said, the guy accelerated the aircraft before he hit. He said, “I could hear the engines when he made this. It was a tremendous noise.”

R.E. Bogliatti - R.E. Rabogliatti was in his office at the Navy Annex. He peered out of his office window and saw the airliner looming over the building. Later, recalling its screaming engines he judged that the pilot must have pushed the jet's throttle to the limit; he estimated its altitude at less than 150 feet.

D. S. Khavkin - “The engine was at full throttle.”

James R. Cissell - “It came in in a perfectly straight line…It didn't slow down. I want to say it accelerated.”

Bobby Eberle - “Riding in a convertible with the top down, I then heard a tremendously loud noise from behind me and to my left… This aircraft sped by very loudly and very quickly.”

Aziz Elhallou - “and just [at] the time I turned my head to the left, it [seemed] like the pilot or the person who was in charge of the airplane put full torque or treble to the airplane.”

Lyman Mary - “I actually saw the plane in front of me…going fast—I think I actually heard it accelerate.”

Noel Sepulveda - “You could hear the engines being revved up even higher.”

Kat Gaines - She then heard the plane power up and plunge into the Pentagon.

NEIT 419 - “When I seen he was kind of turning and gliding when he came across here, across the parking lot but when he got out in front here, it sounded like he poured the coals to it”.

Un'accelerazione così visibile (e udibile) è assolutamente incompatibile con quella rilevata nei dati FDR. A 1900m dall'impatto, secondo i dati FDR l'aereo si trovava già a 460nodi.

E' come vedersi arrivare una Punto a 150kmh e pretendere che da quella velcocità possa effettuare un'accelerazione così violenta e assordante da essere visibile a decine e decine di testimoni. Sono l'unico che trova qualcosa di ridicolo in tutto ciò?

Ci sono andato un po largo, la risposta alla tua domanda su dove inizi la virata è A nord della stazione CITGO, prima del complesso di edifici del cimitero.

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