Nuovo testimone contraddice l'approccio NTSB

Inviato da  rivers il 29/2/2008 4:42:47


In this presentation Citizen Investigation Team reveals brand new independently obtained smoking gun evidence further exposing how the true ... all » flight path of the Pentagon attack jet is irreconcilable with all official reports and data. We demonstrate how the plane flew over Washington DC skies and came from the east side of the Potomac River. We explain how the C-130 and white E4B or "mystery plane" were used as cover for the decoy jet that was meant to fool people into believing it hit the building. We expose the methodology behind the operation and demonstrate how they were able to successfully pull off this military deception in broad daylight. See for more information.

La parte relativa al nuovo testimone parte dal minuto 17 e arriva fino al 33.

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