Re: Il buco del Pentagono: un aggiornamento

Inviato da  Tuttle il 11/1/2008 21:01:10
Ti rispondo io Sick,

1) Purdue non voleva simulare la reazione all'impatto ma verificare la tenuta delle colonne ad un impatto di tipo idrodinamico.


If any good can come from the events of September 11, it would be to understand in detail what damage occurred, how it occurred, and why it occurred. Then, we should be able to create superior structures that will protect life. By simulating the chilling sequence of events, in this detail, we are able to fashion tools that help decision makers in the future to explore potential disasters before they happen.

Simulate as faithfully as possible the effects of crashing an air frame loaded with fuel (simulating a Boeing 757) into a reinforced concrete frame similar to the one supporting the Pentagon building.

Hmmm...forse l'intento non è proprio così cristallino no?

2) Wilson non voleva mica fare un analisi forense dell'impatto. Ma quando mai!


One of our staff design engineer animators prepared the illustration to highlight the resolution of fact that can be brought to a forensic analysis within a SolidWORKS medium. Then utilizing multiple finite element analysis techniques apply Newtonian Physics based forces to virtual solids and record the scientific results in a sequential video format.

Hmmm...forse anche qui l'intento non è molto coerente col risultato. Anzi si mente spudoratamente sulle tecnologie utilizzate.

3) ASCE non aveva come intento quello di spiegare la dinamica e gli effetti dell'impatto ma la dinamica del collasso in relazione ai danni strutturali.


The members of the team reviewed available information on the structure and the crash loading and drew on focused assessments by others. In addition to analyzing the essential features of column response to impact, they investigated the residual frame capacity and the structural response to the fire. Plausible mechanisms for the response of the structure to the crash were established.

4) NTSB animation è una cacca, è una working copy. Bisogna analizzare i dati e non l'animazione.

Verifichiamo i dati? Vaaaabene (Da PFT)

The main purpose of getting this data decoded was to confirm or contradict our initial altitude findings regarding True altitude as shown in the animation and original csv file which can be seen in Chapter Two.

The last recordings of radar altitude shown in the newly decoded .fdr file is as follows.

Hmmm...anche qui le cose non tornano.


Comunque mettiate o pensiate st'aereo...i danni sono compatibili (???). Infatti tutti questi rapporti indicano approcci diversi dell'aereo...

Troppo alto...troppo basso...troppo storto..impatta di qua o di la?

Non ci frega niente. SON DETTAGLI!


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