Re: Due testimoni preziosi

Inviato da  wells il 24/3/2008 1:24:17
Mi devo correggere. La fonte specifica di Chiesa, per questo aspetto della questione (a parte Meyssan, Griffith ecc., che pure ne avevano parlato), dovrebbe essere Barbara Honegger:

Only a military aircraft, not a civilian plane flown by al Qaeda, would have given off the "Friendly" signal needed to disable the Pentagon’s anti−aircraft missile batteries as it approached the building. (The Pentagon Attack Papers - Seven Hours In September)

La quale Honegger adesso viene presentata dai debunkers come una specie di visionaria, una che «dice di parlare con i morti via computer», dimenticando il suo curriculum e in particolare quello che la Honegger aveva fatto all’epoca dello scandalo Iran-Contra.
Questo, più o meno, è il curriculum della Honegger:

Honegger is Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the nation’s premier defense and security research university, where she has served since 1995. Prior to coming to NPS, Ms. Honegger held a number of positions in the federal government, including as White House Policy Analyst and Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President in the first Reagan Administration; the President’s liaison to the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the (Military) Services (DACOWITS); and Director of the Attorney General’s Task Force on Legal Equity in The U.S. Department of Justice. Ms. Honegger is the co-author of The Military Draft (Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University) and author of October Surprise, on the genesis of Irangate. She is a Naval War College graduate in National Security Decision Making, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Honors Writing from Stanford University and a Master of Science in Psychology from John F. Kennedy University, in California.

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