Re: Due testimoni preziosi

Inviato da  wells il 5/2/2008 12:41:06
Questa, all’incirca, dovrebbe essere la processione Usa Today di quella mattina.

E questo l’elenco delle testimonianze del gruppo.

• Bob Dubill was the executive editor for USA Today.
• Mary Ann Owens was a journalist for Gannett.
• Richard Benedetto was a reporter for USA Today.
• Christopher Munsey was a reporter for Navy Times.
• Vin Narayanan was a reporter for USA Today.
• Joel Sucherman was a multimedia editor for USA Today.
• Mike Walter was a reporter for USA Today.
• Steve Anderson was the director of communications for USA Today.
• Fred Gaskins was the national editor for USA Today.
• Mark Faram was a reporter for Navy Times.

Il compilatore č Dave MacGowan.
Poi, sempre dalla stessa fonte, come visione d’insieme, cioč prima di verificare caso per caso, questa č una specie di summa:

• Gary Bauer: Talking head and former Republican presidential candidate who has been linked to the notorious Project for a New American Century.
• Paul Begala: Democratic Party operative and nominally liberal punching bag on CNN's "Crossfire."
• Bobby Eberle: President and CEO of GOPUSA, a portal of right-wing propaganda.
• Mike Gerson: Director of George W. Bush's speech writing staff.
• Alfred Regnery: President of Regnery Publishing, another portal of right-wing propaganda -- one that has seen fit to bestow upon the world the literary stylings of Ann Coulter, the Swift Boat Veterans, and numerous other accomplished liars.
• Greta Van Susteren: Nominally liberal legal analyst for Fox News.

« (…) all of the people on that list share at least one thing in common: they are all professional liars. It is their job, individually and collectively, to lie to the American people. On a daily basis. They are, by any objective appraisal, propagandists for the state. So if all of them are selling the same story, in the face of compelling evidence to the contrary, it is probably best to assume that they might not be telling the truth.
Let's take a look now at some of the other people that are hawking the same story: Dennis Clem, Penny Elgas, Albert Hemphill, Lincoln Leibner, Stephen McGraw, Mitch Mitchell, Patty Murray, Rick Renzi, James Robbins, Meseidy Rodriguez, Darb Ryan, Elizabeth Smiley, and Clyde Vaughn. And who are they? Allow me to handle the introductions:

• Dennis Clem is a Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
• Penny Elgas sits on the FDIC Advisory Committee on Banking Policy, alongside of Jean Baker, who just happens to be the Chief of Staff at the Office of President George H.W. Bush.
• Albert Hemphill is a Lt. General with the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.
• Captain (now Major) Lincoln Leibner is a communications officer for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
• Stephen McGraw is a former U.S. Department of Justice attorney reborn as an Opus Dei priest.
• Colonel Mitch Mitchell serves as a CBS News war spinner military consultant.
• Patty Murray is a United States Senator (D-Washington).
• Rick Renzi is a United States Congressman (R-Arizona).
• James Robbins is a contributor to National Review, a national security analyst, and a Senior Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council (I, by the way, have decided that I should refer to myself as a Senior Fellow at the Center for an Informed America).
• I'm not sure exactly who Meseidy Rodriguez is, but his name appears in legal filings concerning Dick Cheney's top-secret energy policy meetings, which probably isn't a good sign.
• Vice Admiral Darb Ryan is the Chief of U.S. Naval Personnel.
• Elizabeth Smiley is an intelligence operations specialist with Civil Aviation Security at FAA headquarters -- which means that she is one of the people who inexplicably failed to perform their jobs on September 11, 2001, possibly because she was busy watching phantom jetliners crashing into the Pentagon.
• Brig. General Clyde A. Vaughn is the deputy director of military support to civil authorities -- which means that he is another one of the people who inexplicably failed to perform their jobs on September 11, 2001, possibly because he was also busy watching phantom jetliners crashing into the Pentagon.
Anybody see anyone on that list that they would want to buy a used car from? No? How about Colonel Bruce Elliot or Major Joseph Candelario? Or Lt. Cols. Stuart Artman or Frank "Had I not hit the deck, the plane would have taken off my head" Probst? Still no? Then how about Elaine McCusker, a Co-Chairman of the Coalition for National Security Research? Or retired Naval Commanders Donald Bouchoux or Lesley Kelly? How about Shari Taylor, a finance manager at the Defense Intelligence Agency, or Philip Sheuerman, the Associate General Counsel for the U.S. Air Force?».

L’obiezione che si fa in questi casi č: “Ma che genere di persone ti aspetti di trovare al Pentagono?”.
E non fa una grinza. Ma anche a San Siro mi aspetto di trovare tifosi dell’Inter o del Milan, e questo non significa che li debba considerare testimoni attendibili.

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