Re: Smoking gun VS Smoking

Inviato da  Bambooboy il 7/6/2007 10:09:23
mi permetto di indicarti alcuni articoli assolutamente da leggere, ad esempio:

...qui dovresti proprio trovarci lla risposta alla tua domanda...

e questo
FALSI DATI 1 - nessun aereo sopra DC

e quest'altro
FALSE PROVE 2 - Case Study AA77 - Parte 1/2

e inoltre ti segnalo:
articoli altamente significativi presi dal forun di PILOTS for TRUTH

in piu':
Pandora's Black Box - Chapter Two - Flight Of American 77
[ sempre dal sito di Pilots For Truth ]
...Chapter Two of the Pandora's Black Box Series produced and supported by Professional Pilots. This feature film follows the flight as it happens in real time throughout the Air Traffic Control System on September 11, 2001. Analysis includes The Flight Data Recorder, The money and cover-up, Air Traffic Control and Radar, NORAD response and the shocking conflicts/possibilities based on information provided by the US Government. Extras on the DVD include phone calls with a Flight Data Recorder expert regarding Flight Data Recorder accuracy and new calls with the FBI trying to get answers...

mentre aspettiamo ansiosi l'uscita del Chapter 3.

ciao e buona giornata

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