Re: Analisi foto lunari 2

Inviato da  ivan il 24/10/2009 20:05:06
Questa è carina: in merito al bombardamento della luna di cui alle cronache di giorni fa ((qui ), evidemente los alienons hano preso le contromisure del caso perchè dicono qui:


Mt. Wilson reports no plume

Posted on Oct. 9, 2009 by Rickbaldridge
Tags: None

Observing with 16" and 60" telescopes on Mt. Wilson in Southern California, teams from NASA/Ames, Raytheon and Mt. Wilson Institute report no plume apparent on the video monitors during the impact. Raw data is being analyzed which may bring out faint indications of the ejecta plume, but it will be several days to a week before the data is processed.

Source: qui

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