Re: Durante le missioni apollo furono documentati incontri con vite aliene!

Inviato da  SSSavio il 29/10/2009 14:47:24
Alla storia che qualcosa possa viaggiare pił veloce della luce non ci credo. Ah a tal proposito, ecco una prova di quello che dico:

On May 10, 2009, Fermi and other satellites detected a so-called short gamma ray burst, designated GRB 090510. Astronomers think this type of explosion happens when neutron stars collide. Ground-based studies show the event took place in a galaxy 7.3 billion light-years away. Of the many gamma ray photons Fermi's LAT detected from the 2.1-second burst, two possessed energies differing by a million times. Yet after traveling some seven billion years, the pair arrived just nine-tenths of a second apart. "This measurement eliminates any approach to a new theory of gravity that predicts a strong energy dependent change in the speed of light," Michelson said. "To one part in 100 million billion, these two photons traveled at the same speed. Einstein still rules."

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