Re: **Analisi video lunari**

Inviato da  ivan il 28/5/2007 22:06:25
Wintermute, i am sorry, look ...


Gravitation: Modern theories of gravitation assume that the gravitational force between two masses is not an instantaneous interaction but is communicated by field quanta (gravitons) moving with the speed of light. However, this model can be shown to result in different forces in different inertial systems and contradicts therefore the definition of a force.


C'è pure qualcosina circa la cospirazione magnetico-spaziale-radio-amatoriale:


Ionosphere: The theory for the physics of the ionosphere is flawed in many respects partially due to the inconsistencies in the underlying theories like atomic physics and plasma physics ...

1) Recombination is assumed to be of the dissociative type (that is involving molecules) as the (inconsistent) established theory for radiative recombination yields a cross section several orders of magnitude too small. However, a consistent theoretical treatment as well as experimental data show that the latter must be the actual process responsible (see Recombination).

2) Elastic collisions of electrons with ions are claimed to provide a state of thermal equilibrium between the two species. It can easily be shown however that thermalization can not take place due to the low collision frequency in comparison to the recombination frequency (in particular in view of the small electron/ion mass ratio). The electron spectrum is therefore mainly determined by the radiative recombination and inelastic collision processes and extends over a range of several eV (this is proven by explicit numerical calculations involving all relevant physical processes (see ).

3) An explicit solution of the Boltzmann equation indicates that the distribution function of the ions also deviates strongly from the generally assumed Maxwellian due to the inhomogeneities of the plasma and the spatial scale and velocity dependence of diffusion (see

4) The scattering or reflection of radio waves from the ionosphere is generally attributed to the free plasma electrons (i.e. Thomson scattering). It is easy to prove however that this assumption is logically inconsistent (see Scattering of Radiation). On the other hand, explicit non-LTE model calculations show quantitatively that the scattering is actually due to highly excited atomic levels formed by recombination and energetically broadened by plasma field fluctuations (see

E ci sono pure un sacco di altre cose carine ...

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