Prepariamoci che č la volta buona

Inviato da  stacchio il 13/2/2012 14:47:19
Guarda caso proprio in casa di due dei loro migliori alleati...

NUOVA DEHLI (Reuters) - Quattro persone sono rimaste ferite oggi per l'esplosione di un'auto dell'ambasciata israeliana a Nuova Delhi.

Lo ha riferito un funzionario del ministero dell'Interno indiano, aggiungendo che tra i feriti c'č anche un funzionario dell'ambasciata israeliana.

Un portavoce del ministero degli Esteri indiano ha poi riferito che nell'esplosione č rimasta ferita almeno una donna.

Il ministero degli Esteri israeliano ha detto che alcuni attentatori hanno attaccato personale delle ambasciate israeliane in India e Georgia, con una bomba esplosa a Nuova Dehli e un secondo dispositivo disinnescato a Tbilisi.

Re: Prepariamoci che č la volta buona

Inviato da  stacchio il 13/2/2012 15:40:05
Da ZErohedge:

While today's market session has been broadly calm for the time being, that has not prevented Oil from falling back to its old norm of being impacted by the merest rumor of geopolitical tensions, of which we have had quite a few of already, following car explosion attacks targeting Israel embassy officials in India and Georgia. While Iran has yet to make any announcement on these events, which oddly enough resulted in no deaths, Israel has already blamed Iran for everything. From Reuters: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel's arch-foe Iran "stands behind" bombers who targeted Israeli embassy cars in India and Georgia on Monday. Netanyahu linked the incidents to reports of foiled attacks in Thailand and Azerbaijan last month for which, he said, Iran and its Lebanese guerrilla "proxy" Hezbollah were responsible."Iran, which stands behind these attacks, is the largest exporter of terror in the world," Netanyahu said, addressing his Likud party faction in parliament." It appears that when it comes to car bomb assassination plots, Iran still has to learn from those which targeted its own nuclear scientist successfully a few weeks ago. Yet this latest escalation in attempted provocations is not unexpected: it comes on the heels of the announcement of a US Naval Official who said that "Iran is building up its forces in the Persian Gulf and has prepared speedboats loaded with explosives." Whether it actually has or has not is irrelevant: all that matters is that the US navy 'says so.'

Re: Prepariamoci che č la volta buona

Inviato da  incredulo il 15/2/2012 5:47:27
Giā guarda caso, questi terroristi scelgono sempre posti particolari, chissā perchč.

Pensa che avevo dato questa notizia poco tempo fa e oggi come per miracolo guarda cosa succede a Bangkok

Questi terroristi sono proprio stupidi, oltre che maldestri.....


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