Mythbusters to investigate 911 – Hoax

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 6/12/2008 16:31:36
Nun è vero gnente!

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911 – Hoax

Inviato da  menphisx il 8/12/2008 14:22:47
Ho letto che i mythbusters vogliono investigare il 911, qualcuno sa percaso quando lo manderanno in onda ? O non si sa ancora niente ?

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911 – Hoax

Inviato da  schottolo il 8/12/2008 15:12:18
In pratica il Mythbusters è un team che mette alla prova la validità di numerose leggende urbane e miti.

Lo so io che mito ci sarebbe da sfatare sull'11 settembre..

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911 – Hoax

Inviato da  menphisx il 8/12/2008 15:19:57

schottolo ha scritto:
In pratica il Mythbusters è un team che mette alla prova la validità di numerose leggende urbane e miti.

Lo so io che mito ci sarebbe da sfatare sull'11 settembre..

Lo so chi sono i mythbusters, gli ho visti parecchie volte.
Non mi piacciono un granchè ... ma da quel che ho visto spenderanno un bel po' di soldi per uno speciale di due ore sul 911, che ovviamente avrà un gran impatto mediatico.
Sono proprio curioso di vedere che succederà ...

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911  Hoax

Inviato da  Orwell84 il 8/12/2008 15:41:23

THE MYTHBUSTERS HAVE FINALLY given in to the pressure the producers have been under for several years. The show asks the viewers to send their favorite myth in via the internet for the show to consider. Upon receiving their 1 million request dealing with the various September 11th theories, the producers finally cracked.

The 2 hour special slated for an unreleased date in 2009 and will be titled WORLD TRADE CENTER. The program will feature the top 2 most requested WTC theories, controlled demolition and CGI planes - more commonly known as TV fakery. The show will also feature a 20 minute tribute to the Pentagon missile theory conducted by Kari Byron, Grant Imahara,and Tory Belleci. Meanwhile,the stars of the show Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman will be putting their reputation on the line with the WTC experiments.

The show will feature a 1/3 scale replica of the towers at an estimated $7.2 million price tag. The replica is rumored to have been built outside of the United States to avoid airspace restrictions that they would have encountered at home. The location of the replica towers has remained a secret from the press as gag orders were imposed on the private contractors. The total cost of the production has reportedly amounted to a whopping $25 million, which the Discovery Channel believes it will reclaim by selling Super Bowl priced ads during the 2 hour event. The Discovery Channel expects the special to be the highest viewed non sport related program in history. It has been reported that an anonymous aerospace company donated a miniature Boeing built to Jamie and Adams specifications that will be 1/3 the mass, weight,and size, of a real Boeing and will carry 1/3 the amount of fuel as well. Preliminary flight test have been performed by a custom Cessna as the mini-Boeing has been under lock and key parked in an undisclosed private hanger.

"We received so many different request dealing with September 11th that we decided on the top 3" explained Jamie Hyneman. Adam Savage continued by saying, "I wish our budget and time table could have allowed us to do some of the others that I found interesting, such as, the WTC 7 collapse and the lack of debris in Shanksville. Maybe if we survive this special, we can do those on a future show."

The Mythbusters fansite, ythbu sters.html seems to be tight lipped about the show as of now but plans to make future announcements when the air date is revealed. "I am really stoked about this one," said Kari Byron, "I feel like I am living in a historical moment!"

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911  Hoax

Inviato da  shm il 8/12/2008 16:35:39
The show will feature a 1/3 scale replica of the towers at an estimated $7.2 million price tag. The replica is rumored to have been built outside of the United States to avoid airspace restrictions that they would have encountered at home. The location of the replica towers has remained a secret from the press as gag orders were imposed on the private contractors. The total cost of the production has reportedly amounted to a whopping $25 million, which the Discovery Channel believes it will reclaim by selling Super Bowl priced ads during the 2 hour event. The Discovery Channel expects the special to be the highest viewed non sport related program in history. It has been reported that an anonymous aerospace company donated a miniature Boeing built to Jamie and Adams specifications that will be 1/3 the mass, weight,and size, of a real Boeing and will carry 1/3 the amount of fuel as well. Preliminary flight test have been performed by a custom Cessna as the mini-Boeing has been under lock and key parked in an undisclosed private hanger.

...quello vero, allora, quanto costò?!

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911  Hoax

Inviato da  robertomrc il 10/12/2008 16:33:24

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911  Hoax

Inviato da  Teba il 10/12/2008 21:01:27
DOMANDA: ma le torri cadranno nella simulazione?

RISPOSTA:...beh, se i mythbusters fossero realmente diligenti dovrebbero usare anche 1/3 della quantità di thermite...

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911  Hoax

Inviato da  menphisx il 10/12/2008 21:11:14

Teba ha scritto:
DOMANDA: ma le torri cadranno nella simulazione?

RISPOSTA:...beh, se i mythbusters fossero realmente diligenti dovrebbero usare anche 1/3 della quantità di thermite...

I mythbusters sono soliti interpretare i miti a loro modo.
Ad esempio l'episodio sull'antigravità; hanno dimostrato che i lifter volano, ma non sono antigravità, quindi non è possibile.
Come prendere un'aereplano dire: "Si vola, ma i dischi volanti non esistono".


Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911  Hoax

Inviato da  shm il 16/1/2009 15:34:23
non vorrei sbagliarmi ma mi sembra di capire che l'esperimento non verrà mai effettuato:

Please refrain from posting any show ideas that are 9/11 related. These are inappropriate because they are emotionally charged and cause discord among the members of the board.

This includes but is not limited to -

Cell communication on an air plane.
Jet fuel melting steel beams
Planes crashing into buildings

Again these are EXAMPLES and NOT INCLUSIVE of the ideas extrapolated from conspiracy theories. These topics are not going to be tested on the show.

Thank you for your cooperation on this subject.


(...e se l'esperimento fosse già stato eseguito ma non ci volessero raccontare com'è andata?!! )

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911  Hoax

Inviato da  robertomrc il 16/1/2009 15:42:51
guardando nei video ho trovato del sito stesso ho trovato sto video:

Dovrebbe essere un racconto di un superstite.
Che dice di bello?

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911  Hoax

Inviato da  Sertes il 16/1/2009 18:29:04

robertomrc ha scritto:
guardando nei video ho trovato del sito stesso ho trovato sto video:

Dovrebbe essere un racconto di un superstite.
Che dice di bello?

Niente di interessante. Uno che stava all'81° piano all'inizio non ci credeva, era disorientato, poi è arrivato un altro con la torcia che lo ha trovato.

Re: Mythbusters to investigate 911  Hoax

Inviato da  Teba il 17/1/2009 10:59:36
Cell communication on an air plane.
Jet fuel melting steel beams
Planes crashing into buildings

Again these are EXAMPLES and NOT INCLUSIVE of the ideas extrapolated from conspiracy theories. These topics are not going to be tested on the show.

Forse allora affronteranno le seguenti tematiche:

The Shanksville plane crash: can a plane disappear into the ground?

The best fire-proof material? Scientific tests between a red bandana and a steel building.

A day with Lloyd England: and you thought you were confused about flight 77.

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