Video di un rituale massonico in Turchia

Inviato da  hornet il 24/10/2006 13:41:28
Video di un rituale massonico in Turchia

Hayali ha scritto:
Dear friends,
I posted the video hastly without any translations. It was a shocking finding for me too so I didn't wait to think.

Now I'll give you some rough translations in English. Some words require knowledge of masonic vocabulary to translate. They don't exist in dictionaries.

Please remember to spread the video around the world, save the file as it might disappear soon, let the experts decide what is what and whether this stuff is any use to anybody else. I have seen a lot of videos about masons by western sources but they all seem to be masonic propaganda despite the fact that they look like they are giving the public such as to the people like us, any useful information at first sight.

You must also bear in mind that the release of this video comes at a moment where there is a fierce battle between the masons and the local Turks be it muslims or nationalists or ordinary Turks. The masons release stuff to the detriment of their rivals and their rivals hit back with their findings in order to gain advantage for themselves. This video is first of it's kind though and recently a masonic lodge was bombed killing some members inside.


Please introduce the cadidates to us.

Serdar Büyüküstün, his profession is electrical engineering.

Aykut Erensoy, his profession is electrical Engineering

Kenan Ali Akman, he is a businessman.

Understood. Please bring them inside.

Dear Misters, before all else we would like you to promise to us that,

whether you are accepted as a brother or not, after you are taken into what we call 'the room of contemplation', you will not mention anybody what you see and what you hear here, do you promise on your honour?

Mr. Erensoy?

Yes, I promise.

Mr. Büyüküstün?

I promise.

Mr. Akman?

Yes, I promise.

The inquisotor brother, let the candidates sit.

Mr. Büyüküstün, tell us what is the thing which was touched to your chest and which was made you feel with one of your hands?

Uhm... something metal... sword.

The meaning of the sword being touched to your chest is that you keep your promise otherwise you will be made to regret not keeping it and suffer pains for the rest of your life.

Let us avoid any mistakes, are you really the same people who wants to join us? Did you fill in the form without pressure from others and with your own free will and judgement? And you signed it?


Let the cadidates commence 'the first journey'.

Who are these people? Those who seek the real light.

Misters, repeat the oath we made just now once again after me.

Before the symbol of the great architect of the universe and in front of the mason brotherhood, what I said was correct and I swear by it with all my sincerity.

I will not disclose any of our masonic secrets and what I have been shown and told here to anybody other than other brothers in a masonic lodge.

I will work towards the end of masonic goals.

I will obey the principles of the free masons' greater lodge.

I will regularly attend the meetings of the lodge which I will became a member of.

The first officer, brother, what do you want for the candidates?

The light of the scientific truth, dear master.

All other brothers who stand by the columns and decorate the true light.
What do you want for the candidates?

The light of the scientific truth, dear master.

Let the scientific truth be given on the 3rd touch of the hammer.

The swords which are pointed at you symbolises the fact that, other masons will defend you should you ever be attacked by others in the rest of your life.


Only 33rd degree masons can attend.

The grand master drinks the goat's blood which is sacrificed in the middle of the room and prays in Hebrew language and ends the satanic worship ritual.


A lodge in Istanbul. There is a masonic wedding ceremony which is constantly denied by the masons that it exists.

Cortesia di un amico Turco

Re: Video di un rituale massonico in Turchia

Inviato da  Santaruina il 24/10/2006 14:18:45
La prima parte è sicuramente interessante, anche se non vi accade nulla di sconvolgente.

E' un normale rito di iniziazione massonica, credo autentico, un documento prezioso, ma sicuramente non "sconvolgente".

La seconda parte, il breve spezzone in cui un gruppo di incappuciati maneggiano qualcosa (stanno sacrificando una capra e ne bevono il sangue, secondo il curatore del video) potrebbe essere vera come falsa, non vi è nulla che possa farla giudicare autentica.

A dispetto della prima parte in cui è ben visibile il tempio con tutti i suoi parametri e in cui gli officianti sono vestiti secondo la regola, nello spezzone del "sacrifico" il tutto si svolge in un ambiente non definito, e l'unico elemento che farebbe suggerire il tempio è il pavimento decorato con piastrelle alternativamente bianche e nere.

Ma non è sufficiente, quel video potrebbe essere stato girato ovunque, e la povertà della stanza rispetto agli altri due spezzoni farebbe propendere decisamente per un filmato falso, assemblato con gli altri due per avere più "autenticità".

Il terzo spezzone ancora una volta tratta di una sorta di matrimonio massonico, curioso, senza dubbio, ma ancora una volta per nulla sconvolgente.

In definitva un documento interessante, ad esclusione dello spezzone centrale, probabilmente falso.

Blessed be

Re: Video di un rituale massonico in Turchia

Inviato da  hornet il 24/10/2006 14:51:03
Sono d'accordo con questa tua analisi sulla parte centrale del filmato. La prima e la terza sono senza dubbio autentiche, la seconda in effetti ha tutte le caratteristiche per essere un falso.
1) Poca illuminazione
2) Setting diverso
3) Persone completamente irriconoscibili.

Possiamo comunque considerare il fatto che qualcuno si beve il sangue dell'agnello sacrificato.

Ma detto questo....qual'è la novità ?

Re: Video di un rituale massonico in Turchia

Inviato da  elpueblo il 19/12/2006 10:42:51
Per me la seconda parte, quella tipo ku klux klan, è un pò forzata.
La prima e la terza sono attendibili, il commento in turco rende il filmato qualcosa di esotico-esoterico!

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