Coolest... Experiment... Ever

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 31/12/2006 16:30:15
Da leggere assolutamente (e magari da tradurre, appena ho un po' di tempo...):

Coolest... Experiment... Ever

Un estratto:

In short, change blindness is an issue of attention and representation. If we fail to represent an object in a scene either before or after a change, then we won't notice the change, and we tend not to represent objects that aren't important to the meaning of what we're looking at, because we're just not paying attention to them (though paying attention to them doesn't guarantee representation).

Re: Coolest... Experiment... Ever

Inviato da  Orwell il 1/1/2007 18:20:08
Mi sembra che addirtittura Nanni Loi (secoli fa) ci fece una candid camera...



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