Re: Scie chimiche- dibattito

Inviato da  Fabrizio70 il 31/3/2007 9:07:10
Giustamente, hai fatto notare che l'uomo interviene nel cambiamento climatico in molti modi: allora perché concentrarsi solo sugli scarichi degli aeroplani?



Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES) - mission to perform active experiments by chemical releases in the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere, to study the natural space environment and its effects on spacecraft electronics, and to study low altitude irregularities of the ionosphere



Ball Aerospace created the satellite for NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and the Department of Defense (DOD) to help scientists determine how long various electronic parts could withstand the cosmic bombardment encountered in orbit.

CRRES was specifically designed to withstand brutal conditions caused by intense solar activity; by flying in the harshest of orbits, it provided vital data, which helps prolong the lifetimes of current and future satellites.

CRRES carried 24 canisters containing barium, lithium, strontium, and calcium - all chemicals that are not harmful to the Earth or its atmosphere - and for each experiment it ejected one or two canisters. The released chemical vapors were then ionized by the sun's ultraviolet light. This created luminous bright red and blue clouds that stretched along the Earth's magnetic field lines, briefly "painting" these invisible structures as wide as 125 miles.

By observing the motion of the released clouds, scientists were able to measure electric fields in outer space to understand how the Earth extracts energy from the solar wind. These observations, coupled with particle measurements, led scientists to discover a third radiation belt between the inner and the outer Van Allen Radiation Belts in the magnetosphere.

CRRES was launched in 1990 from Cape Canaveral aboard the first commercial launch of an Atlas I expendable launch vehicle. It carried 50 instruments to complete 14 experiments.



The Defense Department and NASA have joined in a program to study the space environment which surrounds the earth and the effects of space radiation on modern satellite electronic systems. The Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES) will carry an array of active experiments including chemical releases and a complement of sophisticated scientific instruments to accomplish these objectives. Other chemical release active experiments will be performed with sub-orbital rocket probes. The chemical releases will 'paint' the magnetic and electric fields of earthspace with clouds of glowing ions. Earthspace will be a laboratory, and the releases will be studied with an extensive network of ground-, aircraft-, and satellite-based diagnostic instruments. Some of the topics discussed include the following: the effects of earthspace; the need for active experiments; types of chemical releases; the CRRES program schedule; international support and coordinated studies; photographing chemical releases; information on locating chemical releases for observation by the amateur; and CRRES as a program.

Vogliamo parlare delle .....

scie chimiche spaziali ?

P.S: Oggi hanno ricominciato alla grande

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