Re: Scie chimiche- dibattito- Ma scusate...

Inviato da  NiHiLaNtH il 3/12/2012 13:53:14
ho trovato una cosa molto interessante sugli aerosol deliquescenti ( nello specifico si parla di acido solforico )

se ho capito bene le scie persistenti artificiali ( almeno quelle rilasciate dai militari ) prima di congelare sono formate proprio da questo tipo di particelle


Takeshi Ohtake

Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Abstract: Based on measurements of ice-nucleus concentration below -30 C with precisely controlled humidities, hygroscopic particles were converted to ice crystals below sub-water saturation enviroment. Ice crystal nucleation on sublimation nuclei has been ruled out in Fairbanks ice fog and in diamond-dust crystals formed over polar zones.
Hygroscopic aerosol particles have been identified as sulfuric acid, which are originated from ocean source, manmade air pollution and volcanic activities. As far as those particles experienced deliquescent from moist ambient air even lower than ice-saturated water vapor for a long time, the sulfuric acid particles will form minute water droplets which freeze into ice crystals at the freezing temperatures that vary depending upon the aqueous sulfuric acid solution concentrations. Those minute sulfuric acid particles must be responsible for formation on cirrus cloud crystals and even the polar stratospheric cloud particles.


At the South Pole station where air contamination is regarded to be minimal aerosol particles were sampled to find the mechanism of formation of the polar atmospheric ice crystals and to test their ice nucleation ability in the conditions where humidity was below water saturation level. This was to determine wheter or not the aerosols would nucleate ice crystals through direct condensation of water vapor at temperatures lower than -30C..

...It was suggested, on the basis of the observations, that many aerosols in the polar atmosphere deliquesce in the humid ambient air of about 82% relative humidity over water ( in 1982 ) and 79% RH ( in 1983 ), and followed by freezing of the submicron sized water droplets to ice crystals at temperatures below -25C and -37C, respectively.
These short lived water droplets and the subsequents ice crystals were small enough to be nearly invisible unless the ice crystals grew to a larger size...


Since the water vapor pressure of sulfuric acid particles is particularly low compared with that of any other common atmospheric particles, water vapor tends to condense preferably onto sulfuric acid particles even for small size...
...Accordingly, such sulfuric acid particles experience deliquescent water vapor from the surrounding humid air, especially when cooled by some reasons such updraft, radiation and advection. When it occours, some minute aqueous sulfuric acid droplets in lessor concentration can frozen at the freezing temperatures determined by the experiment. Once the aqueous sulfuric acid particles are frozen, water vapor in the surrounding air can easily condense onto the frozen water droplets as well as the sulfuric acid ice to grow larger forming ice crystals. Since the original sulfuric acid particles were so small compared to final larger ice crystals, original sulfuric acid may not be detectable with normal chemical analysis...

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