Re: Esplosione alla Maratona di Boston

Inviato da  Merio il 20/4/2013 11:55:15
dov'è finito lo zaino?

Anche se sto Jim Stone ogni tanto mi lascia perplesso...

veterans today

C'è poi questo "interessante"(sarà vero?) messaggio inviato da un interno della NRA prima dell'effettiva caccia all'uomo dei "ceceni":

I work on a security commission and I've just received word to start on a campaign we've been working on for the last two months and now it all makes sense. I'll keep it as short as I can They're going to pin this event on a male late teens to early 20s and say he did it because he's unstable. They are going to find firearms and a NRA book in his home. They are going to to say he used reloading powder for the explosion and that reloading powder shouldn't be for sale to the public. They are then going to say that because the powder in ammunition can be used for explosions that the number of rounds you can buy should be limited and taxed to help pay for these events. I can't do anything or I'll lose my job and possibly face criminal charges. Please don't let them get away with it. They won't find the suspect till later this week and the raid is issued to occur on Friday. This was a staged event. The people hurt are real but the event was planned. Don't let them hurt our rights.

Un po' c'ha imbroccato...

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