Re:L'angolo delle cose preoccupanti...

Inviato da  ivan il 4/12/2011 20:43:54
E brutte notizie pure dal mondo della ricerca, pare ci sia una correlazione tra l'elettrosmog e il diabete:

New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes


Mike Adams

Natural News
June 10, 2010

Most people are familiar with type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes, but did you know researchers have discovered a third type of diabetes? Type-3 diabetes, as they are calling it, affects people who are extra sensitive to electrical devices that emit “dirty” electricity.

I find this research fascinating, not only because it proves that electromagnetic waves impact blood sugar and heart rate, but because there could be thousands, if not millions, of diabetics who may be suffering from a diabetes misdiagnosis right now.
The reason I’m bringing this up is because a 54 year-old pre-diabetic man who participated in the study was found to experience serious blood sugar spikes only when he was working in an urban environment around power lines or on his computer. When he was out camping away from the city, his blood sugar was just fine.


The reason I mention outdoor exercise is because, just like in the study, certain indoor exercise equipment like treadmills can actually cause more harm than good (for certain people). So go outside and take a walk or a jog. The sunshine will boost your vitamin D levels and the fresh air will help rejuvenate your system. (Just be sure to stay away from the power lines.)

In pratica tanto sano campeggio al mare o in montagna o altrove ma sempre e comunque ben lontano dalle diavolerie della vita moderna.

Ossia l'opposto di dove stiamo andando o meglio, di dove ci sta conducendo la politica, in un mondo tutto urbanizzato, cementificato ed elettrificato che rassomiglia sempre piu' a Giedi Primo, il pianeta della Casa Harkonnen dei romanzi di Dune.

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