Re: tragedia AirFrance 1 giugno 2009

Inviato da  dr_julius il 3/6/2009 23:08:52

Redazione ha scritto:
Qualcuno riesce a recuperare la lista passeggeri?

Io inizierei da lì.

Può essere questo un primo inizio?

216 passengers and 12 crew members
The passengers included 61 people from France, 58 Brazilians, 26 Germans and people from 29 other countries.

"Among those on board were a member of Brazil's former royal family, a one-time performer with the Riverdance troupe, a Rio city official, executives from major international companies and an 11-year-old British schoolboy."

I nomi più "notabili" per ora sembrano:
-Pedro Luis de Orleans e Braganca, 26, was a descendant of the family that ruled Brazil until 1889, a branch of the former Portuguese royal family
-Eithne Walls, who danced with Riverdance on Broadway
-Marcelo Parente, chief of staff in the office of Rio de Janeiro's mayor
-Luiz Roberto Anastacio, president of Michelin Latin America, and Antonio Gueiros, another top regional executive
-two Americans -- Michael Harris, 60, and his wife, Anne, 54 -- were identified

curioso anche questo dettaglio, al limite della bufala: Citazione:
"I have to say, maybe today I'm realizing he might not come back," Patricia Coakley told a reporter about her husband, Arthur.
The structural engineer and designer had completed a business trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and was flying to Paris, France, on his way back to their home in Whitby, North Yorkshire, near England's northeast coast.
Coakley said her husband hated his cell phones and usually left them switched off. "But yesterday it was ringing, so maybe they're not at the bottom of the sea. That's my hope. But I think it's maybe fading today."

Certo i tempi di allerta e di soccorso sono sembrati, ad occhio, MOLTO lenti.
Ora impera l'ipotesi di una esplosione in volo a causa dell'ampio raggio dei presunti rottami.

Mi chiedo: ma almeno in questi casi, non si potrebbe sbirciare nei satelliti spia militari?!? O il mio è ottimismo sempliciotto da film di fantascienza?

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