Re: L' angolo delle cose che non si sa se ridere o piangere

Inviato da  Sertes il 4/8/2010 0:07:24
Ci sarebbe anche questa, dal sito BBC: il Dipartimento della Difesa si č perso 8700 milioni di dollari su un totale di 9000 di proventi della vendita di petrolio iracheno e della vendita dei possedimenti di Saddam Hussein.
Ma attenzione: forse non sono persi... siccome la contabilitą non č precisa, potrebbero solo essere sparite le ricevute.

US 'fails to account' for Iraq reconstruction billions

Billions have gone to rebuild Iraq but much of the money is impossible to trace, says a US audit A US federal watchdog has criticised the US military for failing to account properly for billions of dollars it received to help rebuild Iraq.

The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction says the US Department of Defence is unable to account properly for 96% of the money.

Out of just over $9bn (£5.8bn), $8.7bn is unaccounted for, the inspector says.

The US military said the funds were not necessarily missing, but that spending records might have been archived.

In a response attached to the report, it said attempting to account for the money might require "significant archival retrieval efforts".

Reconstruction money

The funds are separate from the $53bn allocated by the US Congress for rebuilding Iraq.

Much of the money came from the sale of Iraqi oil and gas, and some frozen Saddam Hussein-era assets were also sold off.

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