Re: L'ing. Keshe sta facendo il possibile...

Inviato da  Fabrizio70 il 9/2/2013 10:59:36
la vera domanda č chi č che finanzia tutte le maggiori branchie della cosė detta "scienza"? quindi chi indirizza i suoi sviluppi e decide le opzioni su cui investire? allora queste "finanziatori" sono buoni o malvagi?

a te la risposta.....

Scusa hvsky ma prima di chiedere risposte le dovresti dare , post 225 del 29 novembre :


In April 2005, through government organizations, a commercial development partner was found to study the practicality of developing this system. Agreement was reached between both parties and the development company was satisfied that the system is practical and workable, as was reported in the feasibility study by the university.

By 17 September 2005 the preliminary evaluation of the system was complete and the parties agreed that they were ready to proceed with the physical production of the first Gravitational and Energy system.

Questa č pių semplice , chi lo finanzia ?

Ovviamente stiamo parlando del soggetto del thread , io sono ancora in attesa di risposta...

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