Re: epidemia-diabete

Inviato da  ivan il 15/5/2013 21:25:32
E anche il semplice rumore del traffico sembra correlato al diabete;

link Traffic noise increases risk of diabetes.
May 08, 2013 ...
Noise from busy roads and highways can raise the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, possibly by interrupting sleep and increasing stress, according to a large study from Denmark. The risk increased by 8 to 11 percent for every 10-decibel rise in road noise. The results add to the growing number of studies that link traffic noise to human health problems. ....

Quel che e' impressionante e' la bibliografia a corredo dell'articolo: in sostanza lo stile di vita "occidentale" e' diabetogeno tra bibite zuccherate e chemicals vari.

E tra quel che emerge e' che il diabete e' piu' frequente in certi gruppi etnici quando adottano stili di vita "occidentali": link "Astonishingly high" diabetes rates found in UK ethnic groups

Impressionanti le cifre : "Type 2 diabetes is a long-term condition characterized by insulin resistance that affects around 2.9 million people in Britain and, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 310 million people worldwide.

In the UK, an estimated 11.9 billion pounds ($19.1 billion) a year is spent on treating diabetes and its complications which include heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease and blindness.""

Un'emergenza sanitaria seria questa del diabete.

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