Re: Disastro o cospirazione? Discussione sulla crisi economica in corso

Inviato da  lalonde il 26/10/2008 12:13:42
Verna, capisco che tu possa vedere di buon occhio l'intervento dello stato, ma definire "un aiuto alle famiglie" quelli che erano veri e propri campi di concentramento mi sembra un po esagerato.

Sempre dal link di prima:

So-called public works introduced by President Roosevelt became a salvation for a huge number of jobless and landless Americans. However, the salvation was only a phantom, Boris Borisov wrote. The works conducted under the aegis of the Public Works Administration and the Civil Works Administration were about building channels, roads or bridges in remote, wild and dangerous territories. Up to 3.3 million people were involved in those works at a time, whereas the total number of people amounted to 8.5 million, not to count prisoners. “Conditions and death rate at those works are to be studied separately. A member of public works would make $30, and pay $25 of taxes from this amount. So a person could make only $5 for a month of hard work in malarial swamps.” The conditions, under which people were working for food, could be compared to Stalin’s GULAG camp.

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