Re: Mai pił senza .....

Inviato da  PikeBishop il 14/9/2013 10:36:52
link Container da vivere

Solo un dubbio : e in caso di tempesta?

Si comportano molto ma molto meglio delle solite case americane che costano centinaia di migliaia di dollari:

Did you know that container homes are so strong that they can stand against the toughest hurricane force winds and storms without leaving behind any dent or scratch? Yes, and this is the reason why people living in extremely windy and hurricane-prone areas are choosing to live in shipping container homes rather than regular houses. Can you take a guess at which house is stronger and better, a wooden house or a shipping container house?

If you have guessed the latter then you are absolutely right! Not only is the shipping container house stronger than a wooden house, but the cost of the latter is by far cheaper than the cost of the former. So why would you want to go for a costlier and weaker house made of wood when you can have it done at a reasonable cost in case of steel container houses?

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