Re: SATURNIA, il Papa e lIia al posto di guida.

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 24/11/2006 10:07:44
Visto che qui si parla di gesuiti...

Father John Loftus

In his 1989 article Sexual Abuse in the Church: A Quest for Understanding, Loftus, who was then Executive Director of Southdown, (Canada's prima facility for "treating" clerical sexual predators), goes to great lengths to rationalize clerical sexual abuse.

Note that in Sexual Abuse in the Church Loftus favourable quotes and references Kinsey advocate and disciple Dr. John Money at John Hopkins University. Money, who recently died and moved on to meet his Maker, is the Dr. John Money who had no problem whatsoever with paedophilia. Indeed to see where Money and his ilk fit in to the whole clerical abuse scandal and who the bishops of the United States sought out for advice read The Real Expert Advises: Sue Your Bishops. Dr. Money, as you will see when reading the article, condoned paedophilia, said he would never report a paedophile and believed that adult/child sex is normal and even beneficial!

Not mentioned in the latter article but of significant interest is the fact that Money was a proponent of lowering the age of consent.


Loftus draws his 1989 work to a conclusion by minimizing the horror of paedophilia stating: “These men of whom we speak, the ‘sexual abusers’ in our church are not a strange new breed of degenerate monsters; they have much more in common with the rest of us that [sic] we would care to acknowledge. Often what we fear most in ourselves is most easily externalized and destroyed.”


Boutin quotes and references a number of radical Church feminists such as Rosemary Radford Ruether, Anne Carr, Carol Gilligan, Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Mary Daly and Mary Hunt. The latter two are known lesbians, the others have been active in the ultra-radical Women’s Ordination Conference or other organizations advocating women’s ordination. Most if anot all have been active participants in feminist rituals which can only be classified as pagan and those who aren’t lesbian are outspoken homosexual/lesbian advocates.

And Loftus, a Jesuit priest, chose this “nun” to do the job of a decent holy Roman Catholic priest and provide spiritual direction to clerical sexual abusers? And he wanted this radical feminist message which has been promoted and imparted by lesbian nuns and nuns who have frolicked about in pagan rituals?

E, sempre su Loftus:

Priest Advises a “Brokeback Lent”, Homily Encourages Propaganda Film

he latest example has Father John Allan Loftus, S.J. the Director of the Jesuit Urban Center at the Boston Church of the Immaculate Conception recommending a “Brokeback Lent.” In his homily for Ash Wednesday, March 1, Loftus urged congregants to watch the film. “I suspect many in this community have already seen Brokeback Mountain,” he said. “If not see it; if you have, see it again and reflect on the consequences of not being interiorly free, the consequences of not knowing who you really are and want to become, the tragic consequences and subsequent devastation that comes from only living in a ‘pretend’ world.”


The fact that Brokeback Mountain is a propaganda film to normalize homosexuality has been attested to by even the secular media, but has also been analyzed as such by an expert in the field. Dr. R. Winfield, in an article on the controversial film writes, “Having studied propaganda and its effects on societies for over 50 years, I can state unequivocally that the film Brokeback Mountain is one of the most blatant propaganda pieces of recent times.”

Winfield’s must-read analysis of the film points out that scenery, music and lighting were all expertly utilized in the film to create a “most effective” piece of propaganda which “comes in under the radar, it's innocuous and appeals to our humanity and emotions.” (see the full analysis: )

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