Re: Domande sul 11/9

Inviato da  wells il 26/2/2008 21:34:59

FreeBird ha scritto:
...ha tirato fuori una persona dalla cabina del veicolo.

Ah sì? Peccato che l’interessato racconti tutta un’altra storia:

At another point I called Fort Myer Fire Dispatch on the radio and gave the following message:

Foam 61 to Fort Myer: We have had a commercial airliner crash into the west side of the Pentagon at the heliport, Washington Blvd. side. We are OK with minor injuries. Aircraft was a Boeing 757 or Air Bus 320.

It also seemed like I mumbled something else before I removed the headset, shut of the truck engine and began to egress the vehicle.
The fire station was to my right and I noticed it was trashed and there was burning material inside the apparatus area. I see Mark outside the right cab door signaling me to shut off the engine.
(Note: I feel I had the fire truck engine running in 20 seconds after the plane hit the building. This time included running, crawling, checking on Mark and running back to the burning crash truck.)
Just as I was about to get out of the wrecked truck, someone appeared at the cab door asking for a breathing apparatus. He may have been a Pentagon Cop.
So I handed him one of the SCBAs and then handed another one to Mark.
Before getting out of the cab I grabbed my helmet, radio, and face piece (for my
SCBA). I carried these items over to the rear of the van, an area I thought would be out of the traffic and easy to find later.

Non mi sembra, a occhio e croce,
uno che ha bisogno di essere salvato dalle fiamme.
Per cui mi sembra che, invece di una lista di testimoni,
Attivissimo stia presentando una lista di ballisti
(con i vari Walter, Kilsheimer ecc.)

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