Re: Domande a Danilo Coppe

Inviato da  K_Emerson il 5/1/2008 21:13:22

Sertes ha scritto:


Che ci sia aria o che ci sia palazzo non fa differenza. Il blocco superiore è caduto "essentially in free fall" perchè "the structure below was unable to stop or even to slow the falling mass".

Si. CI hanno fatto anche centinaia di pagine di spiegazioni attorno. Ti spiegano come hanno ceduto i piani, come hanno reagito le colonne e il perché di questa affermazione che tu tanto critichi. Eppure, fino a ora, gli unici studi che mi avete portato per smentire queste teorie di cosa parlano? Pancake. Le uniche critiche che muove Ciaolo continuano a parlare di piani che crollano l'uno sull'altro (pancake).

Nessuno, nemmeno il nostro futuro ingegnere, ha portato un solo calcolo per smentire il NIST, né ha criticato altro che teorie riconducibili al Pancake.

Ottime basi per le vostre argomentazioni, bravi.

Per esempio, cosa dite di questo:

Consider a typical floor immediately below the level of collapse initiation and conservatively assume that the floor is still supported on all columns (i.e., the columns below the intact floor did not buckle or peel-off due to the failure of the columns above). Consider further the truss seat connections between the primary floor trusses and the exterior wall columns or core columns. The individual connection capacities ranged from 94,000 lb to 395,000 lb, with a total vertical load capacity for the connections on a typical floor of 29,000,000 lb (See Section 5.2.4 of NIST NCSTAR 1-6C). The total floor area outside the core was approximately 31,000 ft2, and the average load on a floor under service conditions on September 11, 2001 was 80 lb/ft2. Thus, the total vertical load on a floor outside the core can be estimated by multiplying the floor area (31,000 ft2) by the gravitational load (80 lb/ft2), which yields 2,500,000 lb (this is a conservative load estimate since it ignores the weight contribution of the heavier mechanical floors at the top of each WTC Tower). By dividing the total vertical connection capacity (29,000,000 lb) of a floor by the total vertical load applied to the connections (2,500,000 lb), the number of floors that can be supported by an intact floor is calculated to be a total of 12 floors or 11 additional floors.

This simplified and conservative analysis indicates that the floor connections could have carried only a maximum of about 11 additional floors if the load from these floors were applied statically. Even this number is (conservatively) high, since the load from above the collapsing floor is being applied suddenly. Since the dynamic amplification factor for a suddenly applied load is 2, an intact floor below the level of collapse initiation could not have supported more than six floors. Since the number of floors above the level where the collapse initiated, exceeded 6 for both towers (12 for WTC 1 and 29 for WTC 2), neither tower could have arrested the progression of collapse once collapse initiated. In reality, the highest intact floor was about three (WTC 2) to six (WTC 1) floors below the level of collapse initiation. Thus, more than the 12 to 29 floors reported above actually loaded the intact floor suddenly.

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