Re: Alcune delle incongruenze riguardo alla V.U. sul pentagono

Inviato da  mimik il 9/12/2009 10:09:54
Nessuno ha mai sostenuto il fatto che non c'è stato nessun aereo, si sostiene solo che non sia stato un 757.

e daje. le testimonianze che ho postato io (circa 30) parlano di un grande aereo. te le riposto:
Mike Dobbs: "It was an American Airlines airliner"
James Cissell: "That is a big plane... I saw the faces of some of the passengers on board"
Dennis Clem: "There was a commercial airliner that said American Airliners over the side"
Richard Benedetto: "It was an American Airlines airplane, I could see it very clearly"
Omar Campo: "It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane"
Bobby Eberble: "I looked back and saw a jet airliner flying very low and very fast"
Steve Eiden: "You could almost see the people in the windows"
Penny Elgas: "I remember recognizing it as an American Airlines plane -- I could see the windows and the color stripes"
Cheryl Hammond: "We saw the big American Airlines plane"
Joe Harrington: "An American Airlines airplane"
Albert Hemplhill: "The aircraft, looking to be either a 757 or Airbus"
Terrance Kean: "I saw this very, very large passenger jet"
William Lagasse: "I could see the windows and the blinds had been pulled down. I read American Airlines on it"
Lincoln Leibner: "I saw this large American Airlines passenger jet coming in fast and low"
Elaine McCusker: "I saw a very low-flying American Airlines plane "
Mitch Mitchell: "A huge jet plane clearly with American Airlines written on it"
Terry Morin: "The airliner came into my field of view"
James Mosley: "I looked over and saw this big silver plane run into the side of the Pentagon"
Christopher Munsey: "A silver, twin-engine American Airlines"
Vin Narayanan "An American Airlines jet flying right at me"
John O' Keefe: "I immediately recognized it as an American Airlines jet"
Mary Ann Owens: "A large plane"
James Robbins: "The sight of the 757 diving in at an unrecoverable angle is frozen in my memory"
James Ryan: "I see an American Airlines plane, silver plane, I could see AA on the tail"
Joel Sucherman: "Looked to be an American Airlines jet, probably a 757"
Philip Thompson: "I could see the passenger windows glide by"
Tim Timmerman: "It was a Boeing 757, American Airlines, no question"
Alan Wallace: "The airplane was a 757 Boeing or a 320 Airbus"
Mike Walter: "I saw a big silver plane and those double A's ...It was an American Airlines jet"
Dave Winslow: "I saw the tail of a large airliner"
Ian Wyatt: "It looks like a silver American Airlines, twin-engine plane"
Madelyn Zakhem: "It was huge! It was silver. It was low."
e, tenendo conto che avevi scritto:
Riguardo ai testimoni oculari ce ne sono altrettanti che affermano di aver visto qualcos'altro invece di un boeing 757.
ti ho chiesto di postare altrettante testimonianze (in realtà dovrebbero essere di più ma passerò sopra a questo) di persone che non l'hanno visto. te lo chiedo da un pò ma non mi hai mai risposto.

Nessun imbarazzo: domanda pure e vedo che posso fare. Basta non siano domande alle quali ho già risposto.

come ho già detto, ridetto e ripetuto: cosa ti fa essere così certo che le affermazioni di PA (per dirne uno ma almeno sono sicuro che le conosci) siano false e quelle di MM vere.
Mi riferisco, in questo caso, alla storia della collinetta che tu usi per sostenere la manovra impossibile.

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