Re: La velocitá del Boeing al Pentagono

Inviato da  Tuttle il 20/2/2007 1:04:17
Ciao senti il tuo amico Madmats dagli questa da parte di un suo collega un attimino più in alto (a lui piacciono tanto i pareri dei professionsti no?)...e stai sintonizzato perché sono in arrivo delle "belle sorprese".

I am disgusted with the official explanation for 9/11 and I believe that until the stain of that blatant whitewash job is removed from our nation, we cannot consider ourselves anything but under the government of a probable junta composed of suspected mass murderers.
It is either that, or the dumbest and most incompetent collection of screwballs ever assembled in one place.

Lt. Colonel Shelton F. Lankford
United States Marine Corps (ret)
A-4 Skyhawk, KC-130 (10,000+ hours)
S-2, T-1, F9F, F-11, OV-10, T–2J
303 Combat Missions


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